Can the right vitamins boost my immune system?

We all know what it’s like when work starts to pick up and suddenly, we’re best friends with the take-away place around the corner. Stress, lack of sleep or time to hit the gym will always get the better of us. To make sure that oh, so familiar cold doesn’t come knocking we all need a helping hand from time to keep a normal immune system.

Choosing to take a multivitamin with minerals to give your body its daily needed nutrients is a good remedy for a lot of us. It is, however, not a substitute for a healthy and well-balanced diet. A supplement simply can’t match all the biologically active compounds teeming in a well-stocked pantry, so above all, make sure you focus on the bigger picture and specifically what’s on your plate. You will get plenty of the vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients you need through high-fiber foods such as brown rice and bulgur as well as meat, poultry and fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains. However, keeping a healthy lifestyle is truly a balancing act at times and when you do feel the need to bridge the nutritional gap, make sure you don’t just pick any supplement off the shelves. The right kind of high-quality supplements will do the job properly and protect your body’s first line of defense. Make sure you pick one with all the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients your body needs.

Multivitamin with 22 vitamins and minerals in one single capsule

If you are like the most of us, always on the run and with a ton of things to remember, don’t make your morning routine harder than it needs to be! Go for an all-in-one, all-natural supplement with all the nutrients you need in one, easy to swallow capsule. Xtend+ from Zinzino, the global health and wellness brand, is an advanced, multi-immune food supplement with no less than 22 essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients all-in-one. Since our modern diet consists of up to 70% ultra-processed foods low in essential micronutrients, you would have to eat more than 3,000 calories of the most nutrient-dense foods every day to get these nutrients from your food! The unique Xtend+ fusion also includes 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans derived from baker’s yeast, which together with the rest of the micronutrients will support your immune system, healthy bone and joint function.

All bodies are not created equal

The all-natural ingredients in Xtend+ will make this supplement an ideal multivitamin for carnivores, vegetarians and vegans alike. Who doesn’t like the idea of vitamins C from acerola berries and vitamin B from buckwheat, carotenoids, xanthophylls and polyphenols derived from variety of fruits, spices and vegetables?

And, remember. All-natural also means that the supplement is free from traditional anti-caking and bulking agents needed in the production process. Instead, it contains natural alternatives derived from coconut, rice and potato. All bodies are not created equal, but they do deserve the best care. Make sure you choose a customized supplement that works for you and your specific needs. Xtend+ is included in the Zinzino Health Protocol, a personalized nutrition plan will give you step-by-step instructions on what supplements you need to balance, restore and support your cells, gut and immune system.

5 ways to tell if your Omega-3 supplement is fresh or fishy

Do you know what separates high-quality, pure Omega-3 supplements from traditionally processed fish oils? Dr. Emmalee Gisslevik is the Zinzino R&D specialist and go-to expert on fatty acids. The right nutritional supplementation will give you the results you’re looking for. Make sure your choice is based on informed decisions. Follow this essential quality checklist when navigating the sea of supplements with fish oil.

What does fresh fish oil really mean? This seems to be one burning question when people enter the world of Omega supplements. The secret according to our Swedish doctor of philosophy in food and nutrition is spelled oxidation and polyphenols. Two deal-breakers that determine if you will experience real, long-term results. There’s also a joker in the hunt for freshness that could catch you off-guard: the TOTOX value. This nerdy measure of the total oxidation level of fish oil is the industry standard that determines freshness and quality in fish oil. Unfortunately, it is easily miscalculated and misinterpreted. And, finally, the still virtually unknown secret sauce in the world of fish oil and Omega-3 supplements – olive oil. It’s been almost ten years since Zinzino made this groundbreaking discovery and added the antioxidant-packed ingredient to their scientifically proven formulation.

Before moving to the checklist that will help you weed out the right Omega-3 supplement, take a minute to read up on Omega-3’s and Omega-6’s and polyphenols, all naturally found in oily fish. Polyphenols are extremely powerful micronutrients, packed with antioxidant capacity that increase absorption and bind the Omega 3’s tenaciously, acting as chaperons until the fatty acids have arrived safely in the cell membranes. Unfortunately, they are lost in the refining process to rid the fish oil of contaminants, such as mercury and PCBs.

Dr. Emmalee Gisslevik

The ultimate checklist when choosing Omega-3 supplements

1. Check the type and form of Omega-3 in the oil

Fish oil needs to stay fresh and potent for as long as possible to enable the Omegas to enter your cells and start supporting heart, brain and immune function. Look on the label for the marine Omega-3’s EPA and DHA. They form in the tissue of oily fish and are the closest thing to eating seafood. You also want to check the Omega’s molecular form as it impacts the way the fatty acids work and are absorbed into our body. Triglycerides1 are the natural form that fatty acids assume in most plants and animals. However, most processed fish oils are based on the more cost-effective version, ethyl esters1. This form of fish oil is not as easily absorbed into our body and more prone to oxidation and rancidity than the triglyceride form. 

2. Trust your senses for signs of freshness

Just like truly fresh seafood, fresh fish oil has no fishy taste or smell. If it does, it has started to oxidize and will be less potent. So, use your senses, make sure to keep the product in the fridge and check the expiry date on the packaging. This is a quality marker that determines the oxidation process and time for the Omega-3’s to be picked up by cell membranes in your body. Also, remember, no flavor in the world can cover up a fish oil that has gone rancid! Flavored Omega-3 supplements only make digesting the oil a more pleasant experience. The added flavor has no bearing on either the nutritional value, or the oxidation process.

3. Scrutinize the brand for proof of freshness

Freshness equals potency and, effectively, real results. Since all fish oils will eventually go rancid and lose their quality, the oxidation process must be measurable. Make sure you pick a trustworthy brand that is transparent in presenting all its quality markers – from sustainable sourcing methods to environmental contaminants and the product’s level of oxidation/quality. The latter is determined in its so-called TOTOX value2. The total oxidation value is an industry standard that effectively measures how fresh the oil is. You do need to keep one thing in mind: The basic equation for TOTOX calculation is intended for pure, unflavored fish oils only. This value might be a false freshness promise if the Omega-3 supplement you’ve chosen is indeed flavored. It will interfere with the total calculation, but has no bearing on the oxidation process and will therefore not impact the quality of the product. Read here for more details on how to decipher the TOTOX value.

4. Find out what antioxidants have been added

There are several ways to slow down the oxidation process in fish oil, increase shelf-life and improve quality. Adding antioxidants is one method. Stay clear of brands using synthetic antioxidants such as TBHQ and ascorbyl palmitate as these may counteract the health-promoting properties of Omega-3’s. Instead, choose a supplement with naturally mixed tocopherols or vitamin E that will only benefit the blend. But, and here is the magic sauce mentioned in the beginning. There are even more powerful polyphenols out there to stabilize oxidation, optimize absorption in the body and make sure the Omega 3’s get to work in the cell membranes of your body. Polyphenols from olives are the closest you’ll get to the ones found naturally in fish, and this is the reason why our BalanceOil+ is a synergistic blend, based on 60% pure fish oil from wild-caught small fish and 40% extra virgin olive oil with polyphenols from pre-harvest olives. You won’t get any closer to eating the real deal. Want to find out more on what makes our BalanceOil+ different? Read here.

5. Get a daily dosage made for you and put the product to the test

Everybody’s different and the level that your body will absorb the Omega-3 supplement has less to do with the concentration of Omega-3’s in the product, but rather all to do with individual factors such as your weight, your stomach acid profile, your genetic blueprint, and even certain allergies. Look at the recommended daily dosage on the packaging and pick a product that includes a weight chart to guide you. Better yet: Choose a brand that also offers personalized blood tests that reveal your unique fatty acid profile with real proof in writing that the supplements are doing their job. Make sure to pick a test that is independently managed and based on an accurate and scientific analysis such as the Zinzino BalanceTest. That will be your ultimate proof of concept to the question of what it means for fish oil to be fresh!

Test based nutrition

We have analyzed 701,234  fatty acid tests.
95% were out of balance.

Balancetest is a dried blood spot test that provides information about the balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids in your blood. From your test report, you will also learn about your Omega-3 Index, Protection Value, Cell Membrane Fluidity, Mental Strength and more.

The global Meeting of Minds with Dr. Emmalee Gisslevik Dr. Gisslevik has a PhD in Food and Nutrition with a special interest in fatty acids. She has been a researcher within the epidemiological cohort studies looking at food habits in relation to health and disease. She also has a background in teaching at the University of Gothenburg with a primary focus on human physiology, nutrition, and dietary habits.


Omega-3 Supplement Guide: What to Buy and Why –

Making Sense of Fish Oil Oxidation Values –

Oppdag hemmeligheten til et balansert liv

Vår misjon og vårt fokus handler om å inspirere til endring i kundenes liv og å få verden tilbake i balanse. Zinzino er et globalt allmennaksje- selskap fra Skandinavia som arbeider innen ernæring og den nye vitenskapen farmakoernæring. Siden oppstarten i 2005 har vi levert banebrytende, testbasert og tilpasset ernæring med ambisjoner om å bli verdensledende innen forebyggende helse, med førsteklasses, vitenskapelig beviste kosttilskudd, hudpleie- og livsstilsprodukter.

Trening og et sunt kosthold er ikke lenger nok.

Å ta seg tid til å holde oss sunne og friske blir stadig vanskeligere,
og maten vi spiser i dag inneholder mye sukker, lite fiber og mangler viktige næringsstoffer. Fisk holder ikke lenger som naturlig kilde for Omega-3-fettsyrer, siden den hovedsakelig oppdrettes og fores på Omega-6-baserte konsentrater. Cellefunksjonene våre skades og det blir vanskeligere å absorbere næringsstoffer og filtrere ut avfallsstoffer. Vi mener at veien mot helse og velvære er en personlig reise hvor ekte forandring starter fra innsiden. I cellene, magen og immunsystemet vårt. De testbaserte og vitenskapelig beviste helseproduktene våre
er designet for å hjelpe deg med å balansere, gjenoppbygge og støtte kroppen fra innsiden.

Finn balansen din. Følg Zinzino Health Protocol

Vi er forskjellige, og samme løsning virker ikke på alle. Dropp prøving og feiling i helsereisen din, og fokuser på den beste tilnærmingen mot et mer balansert liv med en ernæringsplan tilpasset nettopp deg. Zinzino Health Protocol er basert på de personlige og detaljerte resultatene fra din BalanceTest, og tilbyr en trinnvis, skreddersydd ernæringsplan for din kropps Omega-6:3-forhold og hva du må gjøre for å komme tilbake i balanse igjen.

Vi jobber sammen for å sette kroppen i balanse, innenfra og ut

Alle produktene i Zinzino Health Protocol er designet for å balansere, gjenoppbygge og støtte cellene, magen og immunsystemet ditt. Våre BalanceOils justerer kroppens Omega-forhold, ZinoBiotic+ er en kostfiberblanding som promoterer et sunt fordøyelsessystem og Xtend+ er et multi-immunt kosttilskudd som beskytter kroppens førstelinjeforsvar.

Ta vår BalanceTest. Start reisen

Start reisen mot et balansert liv med BalanceTest – en vitenskapsbasert blodprøve du kan gjennomføre selv som definerer Omega-6:3-balansen i kroppen din. Den tørkede blodpunkttesten analyseres anonymt av
en uavhengig laboratoriepartner. Du tar testen før du begynner å bruke BalanceOil+-produkter og deretter igjen etter 120 dager for å spore fremgangen din. Den detaljerte analysen av fettsyreprofilen din fungerer som et referansemål for en målrettet personlig ernæringsplan som kart- legger de unike behovene dine basert på kroppens Omega-6:3-balanse.

• Tørket blodpunkttest
• Måler 11 fettsyrer i blodet
• Gir deg resultater om Omega-6:3-balansen i kroppen din

Trinn 1: Balanse

Skap en sunn Omega-6:3 Balance og beskytt cellene i kroppen mot rusting (oksidering). Vår BalanceOil+ gjør dette ved hjelp av en første- klasses blanding av oljer, utvunnet fra fiskeolje hos villfisk av beste kvalitet og tidlighøstet extra virgin olivenolje. Høyt nivå av Omega-3 (EPA + DHA), polyfenoler fra oliven og vitamin D3. BalanceOil+ ertilgjengelig i fire forskjellige naturlige smaker – som kapsler, som en vannløselig formel og som en vegansk formel.

• Polyfenolbeskyttelse
• Bidrar til normal hjerne-, hjerte- og immunsystemfunksjon

 • Bidrar til normal Omega-6:3-balanse

Trinn 2: Gjenopprett

Det å ta vare på kroppens «gode» bakterier kan ha en dyp innvirkning på helsen vår. ZinoBiotic+ er en meget kompleks blanding bestående av åtte naturlige kostfibre, utviklet for å frigjøre metabolisme over tid
i tykktarmen, og støtte veksten av gode bakterier.

Trinn 3: Hjelp

Xtend+ er et avansert immun- og ernæringstilskudd som perfekt kompletterer BalanceOil+ og ZinoBiotic+. Laget for å støtte det medfødte immunsystemet, inneholder det 23 essensielle vitaminer og mineraler, mikro- og fytonæringsstoffer samt rensede 1-3, 1-6 betaglukaner fra bakegjær.

• Få mer energi
• Forbedre ben og leddfunksjoner
• Bidra til et normalt immunsystem


Gjør dagene lysere og lettere med Viva+, et helt naturlig kosttil- skudd basert på rent og eksklusivt safranekstrakt. Viva+ gir deg luksuriøs komfort, og hjelper deg med å stresse ned og føle deg yngre og mer avslappet.

• Et spa for sinnet
• Økt velvære
• Støtter sunn funksjon i nervesystemet og hjernen

Produktene finner du her


ZinoGene+ is the cutting-edge innovation for food supplements. A scientific breakthrough based on a complex formulation of fucoidans; a natural polysaccharide from seaweed, polyphenols, vitamin C and zinc that supports DNA synthesis1 and cell division2. The accumulation of dysfunctional cells and decline in regeneration are inherent parts of the aging process. The rate at which this takes place is affected by the content of nutrition in our food.

  • DNA synthesis1
  • Cell division2
  • Protection from oxidative stress3,4

Curcumin extract
With its bright yellow color, curcumin is the cornerstone in the ZinoGene+ formulation. As a member of the ginger family, curcumin is produced by plants of the Curcuma longa species. Historically, curcumin has been used in India for thousands of years, both as a spice and as part of their Ayurvedic traditions. Today, it is widely used all around the globe in supplements, cosmetics, food flavoring, and food coloring. There are many different curcumin extracts on the market, but there is a considerable variance when it comes to their bioavailability, and as such they differ a lot when it comes to how much of the ingredient wields an active effect. The curcumin extract that makes it into our products is very carefully selected and provides a full spectrum of curcuminoids. We have chosen the global award-winning ingredient HydroCurc®, which is the world´s most bioavailable curcumin. This means enhanced absorption, and consequently improved efficacy and functionality. 

Quercetin is a natural pigment present in many fruits, vegetables and grains. It has antioxidant properties and belongs to a subgroup of polyphenols called flavonoids. It is estimated that the average person consumes 10–100 mg of it daily through food sources such as onions, apples, capers, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, coffee, grapes, green tea, and red wine.
Important to note, is that the amount of quercetin in foods may depend on the conditions in which the food was grown. As such, in order to optimize bioavailability and functionality, we have made our own proprietary blend of quercetin using three different ingredients from two different plant sources: the pagoda tree, and onions. As always, the quality of our ingredients is every bit as important as the quantity, and this has remained our priority when it comes to the sources of quercetin we have selected for this formulation.

Brown seaweed contains an element called fucoidan. Fucoidans from seaweed are non-stick compounds (think of them as the biological equivalent of Teflon). They are found in various species of brown algae and are located in the cell walls of the seaweed plant serving to protect it from external stress.
The nutritional properties of fucoidans are nothing new. Historically, fucoidan-containing seaweed have been used in ancient traditions for thousands of years. In fact, the earliest records of its use are dated back to 12000BC, where archaeological digs at Monte Verde in Chile have uncovered evidence of their use.
Today, fucoidans are being incorporated as high value ingredients in nutritional products. We know that quality and price vary considerably among the different suppliers and have chosen to apply an exclusive fucoidan ingredient in our ZinoGene+.

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Discover The Astonishing Healthbreakthrough From Scandinavia

With some of the world’s brightest minds in the field of wellness and nutrition who developed our system for test-based nutrition

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Nutritional Breakthrought Now In Hong Kong


Zinzino represents a unique opportunity. Start part-time or full-time self-employment with minimal risk. As an independent partner you will experience the joy that comes from selling breakthrough products that really change lives. Take the first step towards health and wealth today.



Zinzino Balance Test is a dry blood-spot test for home sample collection that takes less than a minute to complete, and you can access your results online, anonymously, after is analyzed at Vitas, a world-leading DBS laboratory.



Strong growth in Central Europe combined with good development on most other markets contributed to total revenues increasing by 53% to SEK 274.3 (179.5) million during the second quarter. During the quarter, Zinzino continued to adapt and optimize operations to maintain the good sales growth during the pandemic outbreak. The outcome has been favorable, which means that the company adjusts the sales forecast for 2020 by SEK 100 million to SEK 1,100 million.

To achieve more efficient shipments to Central and Eastern Europe, Zinzino opened a new logistics center in Poland during the quarter. In the UK, sales have started for the new, local subsidiary and in Asia, work continued on the acquisition of VMA Life, and the opening of Zinzino in Hong Kong is getting closer. In early July 2020, Zinzino launched a new version of, the site where over 500,000 blood test analyses have been made – now with updated functionality, design and layout.–publ–preliminary-sales-report-second-quarter-2020,c3182918?fbclid=IwAR3paKOPoUdi6FhXWIlWS6FRJ-lqcBY1Wql73ty7m4aufexeOETB1KLRtxU

Mediterranean diet better then medicine

Mediterranean diet better then medicine…..Dr. Paul Clayton.Talks about health trends since 1950, and the food industry.

Dr Paul Clayton graduated summa cum laude in Medical Pharmacology from Edinburgh University, prior to obtaining his PhD.A former Chair of the Forum on Food & Health (UK), and Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government’s Committee on the Safety of Medicines, he is currently a Fellow of the Institute of Food, Brain & Behaviour (Oxford).

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